it`s drowning in the whispers.
Last night. Through my mind's morning haze I can somewhat remember wat r going to happen on me in future. ntah la. its sumtng too general to talk about. theres bunch of points that hv to elaborate to. bt, lantak la. bile dgr2 lovesong, sumtimes make me sick. dats somethng like drowning in whispers. maybe i need "gud luck charmed" in dis "l" stori.hahah. mengarut. tak tahu nape after dat big case, its all turn down like hell. cm ader sumtng aku buat yg buatkan he said.."g mampos!". tak tahu la. its too confusing. maybe wat i need is explaination, bt who cares? i'm nothing. maybe theres a scar in my within, bt who cares, n who r going to noe it, n maybe no one will noe it. romeo, i hv MAJOR crush on u. "The stars are blazing like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun..When you read my mind".seyesly, i dun expecting more, bt at least just a simple hye can make my day bright as usual. keeping sum1 in our heart is easy, but to be in the sum1's heart are difficult. n dats "easy" makes ppl crying. its human nature. sumtimes we're up, sumtimes we're down. n itulah kite kene bersyukur for wat he hv n try to appreciate it. mcm family, ur loves one, ur teachers, ur friends, ur pet, ur plants, n all surround u b4 they leave u. n maybe now i just dying to hv his glance. i'm dying ppl. n sumtimes i pray him even more than me. ntah la. biarlah. hurm.
aku jd cmneh sbb sumtimes terlupa kt Dia kot.. in my family, pendidikan agame tak leh sestrong mane bt at least i'm thankful, at least tak lg hanyut wit all da guider n supportive family. thanks n ily yea?! aku just nk tenang, jadi umat yg bersyukur ats ape je kurniaNya, n sumtimes malu unt aku cerminkan muka kerana byknye dosa2 yg mungkin tlh menggelapkan dunia aku without i realize. n there's list dat sumtimes i hv to focus on. "Ya Allah, aku sgt2 perlukanMu dlm keadaan aku skrg. Bagi aku jalan unt aku teruskan track hidup aku ini. aku hanya mampu menghela nafas yg ko berikan dgn nada syukur ats ape yg ko kurniakan. berikan aku petunjuk dan insan yg mampu berikan senyuman pd ku stp pagi. n mampu mengucapkan selamat mlm dgn ikhlas akan menyayangiku stp pagi dan stp mase yg Kau sediakan dan mengiringku ke jalan MU..amin." what should i do? hanya berdoa kan? n from now, i just wanna focus on my destine. yerp. dats more important. n now, i just played some songs over n over. n dats songs really2 menggmbrkan wat i feel now n wat i'm thinking. here i gv u da lyrics. love,
1 comment:
take a look back again.
do u think it's worth loving him?
something just makes me realize.
if it doesnt meant to be, then let it be.
mmg la syg kan.
tp betol ke kite syg dye? atau ianya cuma kemahuan sbb kita tahu kita tak boleh dpt dye?
hahaa :))
ribu kali aku fikir.
last2 penin pale.
bengong jua aku nih.
*td da taip skali pastu hilang bodo jea tatau gi mana.
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