ink dat will destine my future

so, 2nd citer plak. afta bergumbira 4 raye, then its time plak unt war. try nk upload pic but failed je. so malas!nnt2 la kite letak keyh?hurmm..pspm=perang!! hahahah. sumpah poyo. ye la. i was not a smart kid dat cm relax je unt exam. hahaha. memng sengal la ko annees! hahahaha. cm around dat study week cm kind of struggle gak. cm ader gak tyme kt library, meja study..cubic. mcm2 la. then everynite keep on stay up la till i notice i've dark circles under my eyes n its looks dull.n i think sbb lacks of sleep, tgk lelebeh movies.hahahah(which one ko neh anis)??then mcm2 la pakai gel. Hahahah.. hurm..n seriously i dun put a high hope wat i'm going to get for da result. cz i noe, my effort tak cukup. last minute nye study is not good for health keyh?.maths=mati! Bio=nyesal tak bc..chem=frust. So, tak nmpak any good sign kt sini. Hahah. understood anis?? plzz take dis as pengajaran! hurm..then alhamdulillah, i still lg stay sini. hahahaha. ala, tak fikir pun nk jd ape2 yg gempak, cukup la nk dpt degree. n guess wat, i want to be a lecturer. hhahaah:D mmg gelak besar unt ko anis. but lantak la. cm best jd cikgu. cuti byk, gaji pun orite gak. so, buat pe nk ssh2??hahahah. just happy being me. but tipu la if i said dat not worry bout my future. frankly, study kt matrix mmg tak jamin ur future. unless ur really struggle on dat. mmg leh pegi jauh. but kalo biase2 je, course lelong la. hurm..then i've got **** pointer for pspm. hurm..its sign unt struggle lg for pspm 2. n my aim is getting 4flat for dis pspm 2. jijah penah ckp, "dun b afraid to do once thought impossible even if others dun think u can succeed". betul kan??

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