dear, can i hold ur hand 4 a second please?

so, here it is. after ups 2, sem break. btw, takleh pggl sem break pun. sbb cuti pun around2 1 weeks lebeh je. ape la bole buat sgt. hurm. btw, as usual, kalo balik kl kene la lepak klcc tunggu ibu balik. then, i was lepak kt burger king n on9. hurm. peace&calm je. watched all da kids running2, cm tak ade ape yg boleh halang diorg dr tahu ape itu keseronokkan,sgt best! tgk all da workers serve2 customers, heheh:D, esp yg handsome kot?!heheh:Di was sitting hujung corner n i was thought dat takde org nmpak kot. hurmm. but then,ttbe i was glance kt couple neh. i should said husband n wife la. caz they didnt looks like very young unt couple2 neh. lbh sesuai husband n wife. lame aku tgk. cm maybe ader sumthng yg akan happen. then, dorg tgh borak2, gelak2, then, dat old man kluarkan 1 bekas neh. i thought ape la kan. bt then, it was handphone. then, dat women was so excited smpai tak ckp ape2. dat man cool je. haha. n to make surround more romantic, dah la dat burgers king psg lagu2 celine. aduh!
"u were my strengh when i was weak,
u were my voice when i couldnt speak
u were my eyes when i couldnt see..........."
love can touch just once time... btol2!(versi upin ipin) heheh:D.. ske la lagu2 celine neh. sumpah best! smooth je dengar.then, dat women gives a brightess smile for her lovely husband smbil pgg tgn husband die. it seems like " i'm ur lady, n ur my man".. mmg rs sebak gile. ntah la. cm sweet je. even smpai ke tua pun, they act cm early marriage even dah ade anak besa2 pun. hheheh:D
dats y la, love is sumtimg unpredictable. for me, love tuh cm:
" maknye, buatkan air unt abg.." kate bapa.
"ye la bang.." mak nye buat air kopi sebaek2 nye unt suaminye minum dgn rs sedapnye dr air tangannye even die tgh bz mane hook or by crook, si ibu nak gak si bapa minum air yg sesedap2 nye. just nk pastikan husband die dlm keadaan yg senang:D even die dlm bz.
cm tuh la. ntah la. ade lagi ke zaman skrg neh? heheheh:D macam2!
- thanks to aten, kya, ngn aizee, sbb visit aku di basler. muah! syg korg!

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