berikan saya warna pelangi ke 8 boleh?

sopan kah anda? adesss. get dis idea from arifa afta hv a small conversation td ngn die. btol gak ape die ckp. .btw, pernahkah korg jumpe ppl yg everytime ckp sure ader menyumpah2?? i mean sumthng yg rude la. ppl yg making joke bt sometimes its hurting ppl's heart. dorg slalu ingt dorg je ader hati. sumpah. mmg ader "mmbr" yg sekeliling aku. adesss.. btw, type of dis ppl neh evertime nk get attention ppl kot. every single her/his words for sure wit cursing. shit la. cm dis situation:

situation: nk srh pegi kedai
" eh babi, jom g kedai"

cm tuh la.dh la nak ajak g kedai, pggl babi lak. better die g ngn babi btol2. takleh ke ckp dengan hormat?? dun they think dat RESPECT each other itu penting unt ko lame hidup?? seriously dis kind of ppl slalunye golongan teenagers. not admit dat kdg2 pun me n surround ckp carut2 neh, its just like penyedap ayat, bt depends la. bile marah ke, takpun lawak ke. bt sumtimes u should bare wit the limit. adesss. they too often ngn dis kind of words. cm dh terbiase kt mulut dorg. kalo kt gsc dulu, ade sekor mamat gle yg slalu ckp cmneh. cm senang2 je pggl prmpuan sial, prmpuan gle, prmpuan b***, ntah la. dorg ingt dats cool ke?? plzz la encek! da way u r makes u looks the dummy! arifa, aku fhm2 ape yg ko rase. adess. mane pegi sopan dan santun antare kite?? mane pegi respect antre sesame manusia? tak ingtkh mrk iaitu mrk itu juga manusia?? senang je mencarut2 nh kan?? ntahla. maken tak phm. frankly, aku mmg kasar. bt, respect itu maseh ader okeyh? aduhh. jom la ramai2 kite saling hormat2 okeyh??!

[friend wit ppl who can appreciate other's feeling]


Noor Arifa said...

oi babi.
kite melayu la en :)
sopan santun and behave like melayu la.
hahaa :))
btw, babi for sarcastic.
jgn tacing maa!
hahaa :P

sofea said...

taw takpe.