B0la naga, satunye d bwh katil aku.

0ne w0rd 4 me: hampir gumbira+ 81.5% happy..

0ne w0rd 4 drag0nball: xhappy.xpuas hati(its 2 w0rd kan? Lantak la)


Anonymous said...

i knew it!!dang!!eventho xtgok lg,i got the feeling thts its a shitty one indeed.haish...dissapointing weh.
but,ill go watch it anyway.i'm a fan right??so much for the loyalty.damn u james wong!!

sofea said...

Huhu. P0or james w0ng. Kene kutuk weh! Sian k0. King picc0l0 mcm inn0cent man plak. N0t en0ugh devilish t0 destr0y the w0rld. Cm a rascal b0y je. Huhu. Characters r lame. They try t0 make da fight scene cm c0ol abes, tp, cm 0ld fashi0n. Ingt sl0w m0ti0n tuh best ke? The charactrs memang laen dr 0riginal. Name je same. Bkn ke mastr mutait0 mati? N plus, he is black? Ahaha. Bwt lawak la james w0ng neh. Tlg bwt satu lg drag0nball!! Christ0pher n0lan tlg weh!! Da end 0f da day, m0vie neh sp0il my m0od. Better aku g tgk 'sayang,u cn dance!'... Ahahahahaha. Sbb da memang tahu ctr mengarut! Expecting t0o much la neh!


Anonymous said...

haha.its okay.just got back from watching it.suprisingly,i find the movie pretty entertaining.the reason i think,bcoz i wasnt xpecting too much from it.thts why i didnt really care.btw,chi chi is hot weh!!haha.

mind you,the reason the movie entitled with the "evolution",is because its just not the same with original series.
thats smething i realised before.so,evolution=different.so,thats the outcome i shud say.a totally different storyline,characters n all.the director knew he cant bring the whole series to life,without ignoring the series itself.that is smething to b forgiven i think.

at the end of the day,its a good try.no hard feeling.but please,is there any japanese directors out there yg boleh remake this movie???
pretty please??haha.takashi miike from crows zero maybe?

sofea said...

good to u la.
think positive!

chi chi?? boleh laa..
hot la jugak.(:
kalo nak buat diffrnt from comic,
jgn letak dragonball..
letak la name laen.
plus, dun use exactly name character dlm dragonball kalo nak buat evolution sgt.
fans akn ingt dat movie is adaptation from comic.so, sgt frust la weh kalo ape yg kite bace n bygkan laen dgn ape yg ditengok.

apepun, i gv 4.5/10 4 this movie!
sian plak ngn effort dorg.

Anonymous said...

haha.thats my point.they cant stay true to the whole stories.the key is,dont expect too much.u'll find urself in a very convenient situation.

i stand corrected!

Noor Arifa said...

jgn kutuk syg u can dance.
hahaa :))
siyes 'bes'
aku rse cam na hantuk pale kat seat.
tgh tgk2 check jam ingatkan da na abes.
rupe2nye ade sejam lg.
siyesly bosan gila tahap babi.
hahaa :))

sofea said...

Ahaha. Tu dia. Smpai tahap babi neh xbleh bla. Ahahaha. Buang duet je tgk syg u cn dance. Ahaha.;-). Malu weh!