"can u bring out my smile back?..."

its been a while that i didnt post anything since i was damn busy with my uncle's wedding as i am his kind of wedding planner. haha:) yang tidak bertauliah la kan. so, its not cost at all. sigh.:0. now, i can release my words as the wedding dah settle. over these few days, i was realize that i have a few wishes that never come true yet. no matter how high the level of desperate i can go through, its still the same. left the hope silent without make any sounds. its no bloody way. haaaa!! lacking of actions, and maybe some ideas, make me so pathetic of hoping something. i have to change the track. what the hell of these?? i need my bestie to have a slow talk,girl to girl, syaza. she's too far away. wind, send my flying kiss for her please. sometimes, i was like giving up in everything that come to my life. i was like "lantak la ape nak jadi, ske hati laa..pape je laa.." and thats show i have no options to choose what the best even the chance are there. lazy to think when the emotions control the heart. frankly speaking, when the time i was extremely bored with the life, i'll become invisible. invisible to everybody. forget others feeling and other thought,i didnt reload my prepaid even i have thousands of sms that i have to reply with, on9 with invisible appear, say no to hangouts, no to handphone and even i can off my mobile all day long just want a piece of peace and just sitting in front of tv all day long while drinking chocolate milkshake. thats pathetic la makcik :( its not that i'm damnly tired, but then, its just a reflect to the sadness. rather being like this instead of normal when i'm in sad mode. gile. :( now, i have to plan my track well. what are going and what i'm gonna do.. start thinking sofea..

ubahlah halimunan.
supaya aku nampak cahaya mana lebih terang.
untuk rongga ini berbakti.
untuk hidup aku.

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